Warning: file_put_contents(/usr/home/qxu1635830275/htdocs/data/compile_tpl/zxkk_content_cn_compile.php) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/home/qxu1635830275/htdocs/includes/tpl.class.php on line 171

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【培训对象】◆生产型企业总经理 ◆专案推行专员、工程师;  ◆生产/工程部经理





六西格玛绿带是能够利用DMAIC方法论及相关流程分析工具改进本职工工作流程的人员,通常作为六西格玛项目                                                                                      改进小组的成 员参与项目活动,推进项目开展或支持黑带完成改进项目★ 如何做好主生产计划?★ 发生变化时                                                                                         如何进行主生产计 划调整?通过学习六西格玛绿带课程,学员可以深入了解六西格玛发展和要求,学习导入及推                                                                                        行六西格玛所必需的基 本知识和技能并学会完成至少一个六西格玛项目.








 6 sigma发展史 6 sigma History





6 sigma威力 6 sigma Power





 6 sigma推行的组织介绍 6sigma Deployment Organization



 证明六西格玛是需要的 List some benefits of Six Sigma



 定义一些重要观念 Define some key concepts




 项目定义 Project definition





 确定一个方法去定义6 Sigma 绿带项目  To identify a method for defining

   Six Sigma Black Belt Projects





 启动项目 Launching the Project





 项目选择工具介绍 Project Scoping and Management Tools



 树状图Tree Diagram






 力场分析Force Field Diagrams





 伯拉图Pareto Analysis






 鱼骨图Fishbone Diagrams





 亲和图Affinity Diagrams











 因果关系矩阵 C&E Matrix





 Minitab 介绍 Minitab Introduction




 MINITAB的结构, 包括主要窗户, 菜单结构, 工具条快捷键盘命令The structure

   of MINITAB, including main windows, menu structure, tool bars and

   shortcut keyboard commands





 数据类型, 数据输入及数据操作技巧Types of data, data entry and data

   manipulation techniques





 修正数据结构以便用MINITAB分析Correct data structure for analysis in








 如何在MINITAB中创建及解释图表How to create and interpret basic graphs







 把MINITAB结果移到其它文件中Moving output from MINITAB into other







 基本统计介绍Basic Statistics





 定义数据类型Define data types





 介绍中心趋势测量Introduce measures of central tendency


 介绍偏差测量Introduce measures of variation




 介绍形状概念Introduce concepts of shape




 展示基本图表工具Demonstrate basic graphical tools



测量阶段Measure Phase






 过程流程图Process Mapping





 宏观流程图Macro Process Map





 过程流程图Process Flow Diagram





 详细流程图 Detail Process Map





 原因和结果工具Cause & Effects Tools




 了解因果关系矩阵和鱼骨图如何实现突破性改进的蓝图相关Identify where the

   C&E Matrix  Fishbone Diagrams into the Blueprint for Breakthrough

 区分巧合与相关性Contrast coincidence with causality



 展示鱼骨图Demonstrate Fishbone Diagrams




 完成因果关系矩阵Complete a Cause & Effects Matrix



 测量系统分析Measurement Systems Analysis




 介绍量具能力的基本概念To introduce gage capability concepts


 离散数据的gage R&R. To demonstrate and practice a method for gage

   studies for Attribute data





 连续数据的gage R&R. To demonstrate and practice a method for gage

   studies for Continuous (Variable) data




 过程能力分析Process Capability





 介绍基本过程能力的统计方法Introduce fundamental capability statistics

 短期和长期过程能力的分析方法Demonstrate short long-term capability

   analysis methods






 合理编组方法Using rational subgroups




 单一连续测量方法Using single measure sequences



 离散数据的方法Using discrete data





 通过excel和MinitabDemonstrate two ways to calculate capability

分析阶段Analyze Phase






 图形分析Graphical Methods





 介绍六种图形分析的方法Introduce six methods of graphical analysis

 展示一种进行多变量研究. Demonstrate a method for conducting multi-

   vari studies






 介绍并进行数据采掘练习Introduce and practice data mining


 FMEA介绍Failure Modes and Effects Analysis




 介绍失效模式分析方法Identify a method for constructing an FMEA

 使用Excel进行失效模式效果分析Use the Excel™ form to setup an FMEA

 回归与相关性分析Regression & Correlation




 介绍建立简单线性模型的方法  To introduce simple linear modeling

 展示用Minitab 和 Excel 建立最小平方法模型 To demonstrate methods in

   Minitab & Excel for constructing least squares models


 练习回归技巧  To practice regression techniques



 介绍用Minitab 和 Excel To introduce higher-order models


   in Minitab & Excel






 解释相关和回归的区别 difference between correlation & regression

 假设检验Introduction to Hypothesis Testing




 介绍统计学假设检验的概念To introduce statistical hypothesis testing

 定义零假设和备择假设To define null and alternate hypotheses


 展示构建假设检验的方法To demonstrate constructing a hypothesis test

 为给定问题选择适当的假设检验方法提供路径图To provide for selecting the

   appropriate hypothesis test for a given problem



 均值检验Means Testing






 展示四种关于均值的假设检验To demonstrate four hypothesis for means

 练习均值检验practice hypothesis testing for means



比例检验Proportion Testing





 1-比例检验1- Proportion test





 2-比例检验2- Proportion test





 ANOVA分析Analysis of Variance – One-way ANOVA



 介绍变异数分析概念To introduce the concepts of Analysis of Variance

 演练计算 ANOVA 表 To demonstrate and practice calculating the                                                                              

 练习 ANOVA  To practice ANOVA





改善阶段Improve Phase






 试验设计介绍Introduction to Designed Experiments



 介绍统计学实验设计To Introduce the concept of statistically                                                                               

 讨论统计学实验设计的术语To discuss terminology for statistically                                                                                                                               designed experiments

 提供实验设计用的工具To provide a tool for planning designed

 全因子试验设计Full Factorials





展示一些一般因子实验的设立及分析方法To demonstrate some general                                                                        

   setup and analysis






介绍主效果及交互作用的概念To introduce the concepts of main effects                                                                                                                   and interactions

 练习用ANOVA分析全因子实验To practice using ANOVA to analyze

 介绍DOE的术语及定义To introduce DOE terms and definitions


 2K因子试验设计2k Factorial Designs




 演示 2-水平因子设计To demonstrate two-level factorial designs

 复习 DOE 术语和符号To review DOE terminology and notation


 实习 DOE 设计及分析To practice DOE design & analysis



控制阶段Control Phase






 控制简介及控制计划Introduction to Control and Control Plans


 在控制阶段发展出控制程序Develop a procedure for the control phase

 论述项目移交行动计划Discuss Project Transition Action Plans


 探讨控制计划Explore Control Plans





 介绍第四代管理的概念Introduce 4th Generation Management Concepts

 控制方法Control Methods





 讨论控制方法的类型和定义Discuss types and definitionscontrol methods

 学习流程的防错技术 Learn techniques of error-proofing the process

 连续变量 SPC–第一部分Variable SPC – Part 1



 简单介绍SPC历史To present a brief history of SPC



 为使用控制图提供指导方针To provide guidelines for using control charts

 练习应用 Shewhart PDSA 循环To practice using the Shewhart PDSA cycle

 演示运行图和 X-bar 与 R 图To demonstrate Run charts and X-barcharts

 连续变量 SPC–第二部分Variable SPC – Part 2



 控制图判定异常的检验Control charts are powerful detecting special

   cause variation






 控制图的使用Using Control Charts





 项目关闭Closing Your Project





 讨论项目移交To discuss project transitions




 讨论项目的实现阶段To discuss Realization




 为 6 Sigma 项目的最终报告提供一个模板(Template) provide a template for

   Six Sigma Project Final Reports








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